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October 2020

Electro-Chemicals (Single)

shock and awe it’s more new music….so this is from Part 2 of my new album(s) INFINITY FOREVER it’s out now on the global platforms thanks to LOOP recordings. I guess its a old skool electro track but with really interesting synths that modulate all over the place! Kinda based around the idea that music is good for the brain! check it and let me… 

Infinity Forver

  • News

People that know me well have seen me as of late working really hard on a rather large creative vision I had a while ago, This began in 2013 and I am nearly at the end….It’s the INFINITY FOREVER Original “Sci Fi” Musical project and it has been going well, it will work well across other mediums… Musically, it’s a journey…I’ll figure it all out.