I have been writing a lot of songs lately, and bringing back to life some older ones. Just been on a really creative flow with the music and production lately so over this month I will be working away in the studio and recording the out-lines of all these tunes below…there are a few more floating around too… I am just going to record them all and then see how they take shape and get it sorted…see what rises to the surface… I am really enjoying what’s going on so far…I built a virtual recording studio with all the best things you could ever need/want slightly based on Abbey roads setup and a few other old school recording studios…imagining that I am a band, and only having what i need, All the basics…A live hyper real sound….otherworldly pop songs pretty much with ambient electronic elements and singing…
Should be fun to hear what happens when it’s all finished. Thoughts of a Jeramiah Ross solo album or Module songs, I really don’t know, I will cross that bridge when I finish the work.