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Music For Space Stations?

Meanwhile, I had a crazy idea for an electronic ambient electro-synth album…”Music for Space Stations” I got thinking, I really love Brian Eno’s “Music for Airports” background music for travellers really, what about if your heading up to go wandering around in Space, transferring between the Moon and Mars, that’s gonna need some nice buzzy music while in and out of the docking stations…waiting on the spaceship Taxi via “Musk Enterprises” ha! I wrote out all the names, started sketching ideas…I don’t know if I will do it, I am kinda lost in the music elsewhere, but at least I captured the idea I hope…But yeah, interested? would anyone listen to “ambient electro synth space music” if I made some? UPDATE: had some thoughts around this to make it a colab album via social media, will expand further on this shortly…

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